samedi 5 septembre 2015


Your tummy complex you ... Despite your efforts, your love handles hang? While magazines show silhouettes with flat bellies, you would hide your little tummy? Follow our fashion advice with Francoise Lambert, head mode for a women's magazine.

Blur silhouette

If you have a little belly, blouses, dresses, "covers" not arched and straight jackets are your allies! It is better to encourage further cuts enough for your high. "If in addition you have lots of belly chest, avoid giving the silhouette a form in one piece on top. Choose low necklines tops, marked under the breasts and then flared. They will put your height in value but not your can "explains Françoise Lambert.
For summer, opt for tops in chiffon or light cotton rather than for tight tank tops that stretch, in addition to highlighting the forms, will tend to rise. Always wear blouses and tops on your wide pants. You can get them inside as long to do the "bilk".

Ceinturez low

"One of our tips on fashion shoots for a diversion is to systematically ask a broad belt on the hips. While falling low enough, it moves the center of gravity and break the round" yet says Françoise.

Especially, do bilk the top where you put the belt. Choose it wide enough to give the outfit a chic and casual bohemian style. Avoid too thin belts or composed of multiple links and brilliant in favor of a bold matte leather, which fell heavier will be more flattering.

Side jerseys: play the grippers up!

Swimsuit issue, if you have a little belly, turn to cuts 50s retro: high panties, small gathers at the side and although emboîtante pants will make your little belly sexy argument!

"The one piece swimwear can also be a solution, but be careful to choose: Avoid light colors and necklines rights headband so that give more importance to the lower body part with a black V-neck is ideal, especially. it is reinforced at the chest going up the breasts, it soars the silhouette, "said Francoise.

Above all, avoid low-waist shirts, stripes (in both directions) and cotton materials not galbent but float on the size and the bloomers.

To avoid

-despite Fashion high waist, avoid pants and marine deck buttons that put your stomach ahead at the second you forget to return it!

- Avoid all clips down to the benefit of structured and straight sizes.

- Forget the skinny unless you have long legs, if not pay attention to the effect bottle!

- Avoid too heeled but also too high heels that make swing the body forward.

To do

- Opt for thick materials "hold" well

- Turn to the sheathing models tights and panties

- If you are large, you can get a shirt in pants flared blouse by doing and to fall, which will lengthen your figure by erasing your belly.

- Opt black and matte colors, flee brilliant that give volume!

- Consider trying the clothes when you sit down to see what they give situation.

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