samedi 5 septembre 2015

Different Tips For Using A Treadmill To Burn Calories And Strengthen Your Muscles

Treadmills may feel safer and more controlled; however, you may even find the workout easy. Health experts have provided some great tips for upgrading your treadmill time and maximizing the benefits of your run.

To Burn More Calories
Do intervals - If you want longer training runs, running at a consistent pace is recommended. But during shorter workouts, you have to increase the intensity by including speed intervals. If you alternate between running a couple of minutes at a moderate pace and throwing in bursts at a faster pace, you will certainly build endurance, burn more calories, and become a stronger, faster runner. Apart from that, intervals can efficiently fight belly fat.
Increase your speed gradually - Running faster will burn more calories, and since you do not want to begin your run at several miles per hour, begin with a brisk walk and every 2-5 minutes.
Run longer - It is a wise idea for you to combine different types of running workouts. In case you are not running intervals, consider doing a longer run at a consistent pace. When you run for 30 minutes, you can actually burn 270 calories. 45 minutes can burn 405 calories, and an hour longer run will burn 540 calories.
To Boost Your Speed
Include tempo runs - If you wish to run faster, you have to practice running at a faster pace. A tempo workout will involve running slightly faster than your comfortable, normal pace for a certain period of time. After you have warmed up, set your desired pace on the treadmill and run.
Consider practicing negative splits - This technique will involve running second half of a run faster than the first half. If might seem that your time is being slowed but be aware that if you conserve your energy in the beginning and allow your muscles to warm up, you can comfortably increase your pace on the second half of your workout. In turn, you will end up with a faster time.
To Strengthen Your Muscles
Raise the incline - This will provide a little extra power in your lower body. You must know that doing hill work will help prevent shin splints.
Add walking lunges - Slow down your speed, take wider steps, and perform walking lunges in order to tone your tush and legs.
Do not hold the handles and pump your arms - If you use your upper body whilst running will tone your biceps, triceps and shoulders. Apart from that, this will also tone your core since you are balancing without holding on.
Indeed, treadmills can help you become healthy and fit. For more info, check out this site.
Treadmills can be among the most efficient exercise machines you can invest in to have a healthy mind and body. More information mentioned here.

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