The ramollos buttocks, it's not funny! Before you slip in adjusted cutters, draw the silhouette perfectly, it would be wise to start with a few small gym exercises, just to give them pep!
The buttocks have teeth! Tonics and shapely, buttocks contribute to the harmony of the silhouette. In musclant regularly, pace gain lightness and tone.
Rubber band and agile, faithful companions glutes
These five practiced three times a week exercises are good training for getting encouraging results.
You can start the first sessions without small equipment. Then, after several training sessions to ensure continued progress, use the rubber band or fleet that you can put around the ankles.
Exercise # 1: Abduction of the hip to the ground
Abduction of hancheMuscles worked: The average and gluteus minimus.
Starting position: Lying rib (lying on the side), headrest arms, both legs on the ground, supporting brachial front of the chest to be ensconced.
Running the exercise: As you exhale, make a leg elevation by contracting your glutes; abduction must not exceed 60 °. In this movement, the pelvis and the back remain fixed. Breathing down the still tense leg without touching the ground.
Drivetrain: This movement can be achieved by large amplitude and / or small amplitude (45 °) and to maintain the isometric contraction (static) for several seconds.
Example: 4 sets of 10 to 15 repetitions in large amplitude + 4 sets of 10 to 15 repetitions in small amplitude + 30 seconds isometry.
If you already have a good level of training, do the movements with a rubber band or a fleet. In all cases, follow the instructions placement and breathing.
Exercise # 2: identified basin floor
Reading worked bassinMuscles: glutes, hamstrings and lower back.
Starting position: Lying back (supine), arms extended along the body on the ground, legs bent hip-width apart, feet on the floor.
Running the exercise: Breathe taking off the ground by contracting your glutes butt and without digging the lower back. Inhale on the way down the pool without raising the buttocks on the floor.
Drive: 6 sets of 20 repetitions.
Exercise # 3: ground survey basin with rubber band
Muscles worked: The glutes and hamstrings.
Statement of the basin with rubber starting bandPosition: dorsal Laying (lying on the back) with arms outstretched on the ground, bent legs a little wider than the hips in order to put your rubber band over the knees and feet ground.
Running the exercise: Peel off the ground and stay fixed pool (without digging the lower back). Breathing out, spread your legs slightly contracting the buttocks, keeping the rubber band voltage. Breathing in, return to starting position. For this work to be effective, keep the rubber band in maximum voltage and do not take off your feet off the ground
Drive: 6 sets of 12-20 repetitions according to your possibilities. You can also alternate with medium and / or small amplitudes and complete maintaining isometric contraction for 30 seconds.
Exercise # 4: extension of the leg up
Muscle worked: gluteus maximus.
Extension of the leg to the starting haurPosition: quadrupédique position (on all fours), strained or flexed arm resting on the elbows, not arched back, or back released. The head is in the extension of the spine, the gaze towards the ground.
Running the exercise: As you exhale, lift the straight leg, flex the foot, no higher than the buttock, tighten the glutes. Inspiring, slightly back down the leg (still tense) hold without touching the ground. If you have an advanced level for more intensity, use a fleet or rubber band around the ankles.
Drive: 5 sets of 10-15 repetitions on each leg according to your abilities. At the end of each series, holding the contraction about
15 seconds.
Exercise # 5: bent leg up
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